Unveiling the Best Poker Table Fabrics: Choosing the Perfect Surface for Your Game

Unveiling the Best Poker Table Fabrics: Choosing the Perfect Surface for Your Game

The most popular fabric used on poker tables is usually felt. When it comes to table felt, two common choices are velveteen and suited speed cloth.

Velveteen is a standard material often found on poker table surfaces. It has a soft and plush texture, providing a smooth playing surface. However, it may not offer the best card slide and can be more susceptible to damage from spills or prolonged use. 

Check out our Top Rated Speed Cloth Table Here

On the other hand, suited speed cloth is a preferred option among serious poker players. It is made of polyester and features a checkered pattern design. This material allows cards to glide smoothly across the table, making dealing easier. 

Velveteen or Suited Speed Cloth?

Velveteen is a cheaper option, but more prone to stains. That is why we recommend suited speed cloth. It is water-resistance, ensuring that spills can be quickly cleaned up without causing any harm to the table. This provides a more reliable and hassle-free gaming experience. When comparing the two, it's clear that suited speed cloth is the better option in terms of performance and convenience.
Check out our Top Rated Speed Cloth Table Here
It is important to mention that at Planet Game Rooms individual preferences and customizations are optional for most tables. It is worth reaching out to Planet Game Rooms to find out more!
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